Resource Links
A few important links Mamatoto would like to share.
Helpful Links

Better Health Channel
Better Health Channel is a very reputable source of information on a wide variety of health care issues.

Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre
Information on abuse in relationships

Enviro Family
Natural fertility, pregnancy and birth, breast feeding, co-sleeping, discipline, food issues, natural medicine, education choices, hemp and organic products.
Phone: 0422 960 753

Medicare and medicare safety net
Did you know that individuals are automatically registered for the Medicare Safety Net? If you want to register for the Safety Net as a couple or family you will need to contact Medicare. Being registered as a couple or family means that if your spouse or children also have out of pocket medical expenses then these will contribute to the one safety net.

Midwives Australia
Midwives Australia provides midwives in private practice and continuity of care with support, advocacy and guidance. Many aspects of the work of a midwife working in continuity of care, particularly in private practice are unique, and we believe that those who have practised in this way are the best placed to support others working in this way.

Pregnancy Birth and Beyond
This website belongs to a Sydney based midwife in Private Practice (Jane Palmer). Her website is very informative and has a lot of links to different information and services

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby website
A very comprehensive website launched by the Federal Government.

Royal Women’s Hospital
The Royal Women’s Hospital have some excellent fact sheets about many topics relating to pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. Please browse their website for information.

Pre Conception Care
Website discussing conception, pregnancy, birth and postnatal information.

Pregnancy Information
Antenatal and postnatal depression and depression in general.

Calmbirth Classes®
Juliana (one of the Mamatoto Midwives) runs Calmbirth Classes. Ask Juliana more about calmbirth ® classes.

Exercise in Pregnancy
Pre natal stretch and relax classes

Listeria Information
Here is some information about Listeria published by the Victorian Health Department.

Maternal Serum Screening Tests
Your midwives will discuss Maternal serum screening with you at your appointment, please have a look at some more information published by Victorian Centre for Genetics Screening.

Maternity Coalition (Choices for childbirth)
Offers some very good classes on specific topics related to VBAC, labour and birth, and early parenting. Maternity coalition also offers some great information on general topics ranging from pregnancy, birth, use of water and post natal experiences

Heather Cock Osteopathy
Melbourne Therapy Centre, 221 Wonga Road, Warranwood 3134
Bulleen Osteopathy
195 Thompsons Road, Bulleen 8850-3500

Smoking in Pregnancy
Midwives at Mamatoto will talk to you and support you in your resolve to quit smoking during pregnancy. We can recommend ways to quit smoking in pregnancy, and this support extends to your partner and family.

VBAC Information and Support
This is a very up to date informative site about healing after VBAC.
Parenting Information

Royal Children’s Hospital
The RCH also offer some useful information about unsettled babies. They also offer links in this article.

Crying and unsettled babies
Pinky McKay has written some books about settling babies gently. Mamatoto Midwives do not support controlled crying techniques as there is no evidence that this technique does not cause harm to new babies. Instead, we will show you and give you information on gentle ways to settle your baby. Have a look at Pinky McKay’s website

Parenting with confidence
At Ngala, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to be their best, and that raising children should be a joyful and rewarding experience.Every child has a different path to take in life and they will have to face challenges, seek out opportunities and triumph over hurdles, as they explore the world around them.